Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Luck of the Mut

Today in the oh-so-sacred teacher's room, which I might add I have always been curious to venture, I had another new interesting Korean experience.

Over the weekend I experienced quite a bit of good luck. At a Foreign Teacher's Conference on Saturday morning, I somehow became the .003% and was selected in a raffle. My prize? A brand new Samsung netbook! I was so shocked! I felt like someone was yelling "COME ON DOWN!" like many fruitless game show dreams I've had, a side effect of watching too much The Price Is Right. I stuttered through a thank you speech and happily accepted my gift wrapped happiness.

On my return to the office today, I brought along my trusty new computer so our tech guy could change the language from Korean to English. Upon seeing my lime green, sleek, piece of machinery, my coworkers were a'buzz with questions. So after being deemed extremely lucky, my coworker James told me he could read my face, similar to a palm.

Hocus pocus nonsense? YES! My cup of tea. He took a picture of my face using his phone and began to spiel my fortune.

He said that I am very sensitive....which I took as an insult at first, but he explained that I have a big heart for children and animals.


Next he told me that whatever I'm thinking of doing with my life now, I will do. He said I will excell in my field and whatever work I do, I should get it licensed. He said I will work in practical art (writing perhaps?) and by the time I'm 30, I'm going to be a hit.


He told me that I wasn't blessed with a lucky childhood, but not to worry, because my 30's-50's are going to be lucrative and successful.

More awesome.

He rounded it out by saying that I am productive, willing to sacrifice all for my family, and will live a very long healthy life. I'll get married a little later than most, say early thirties, and I will keep pursuing education until I'm old.

I'm sure this is a big heap of garbage, but I think I'll take the optimistically cheery road and bask in it's brilliant glory.

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